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Find out how sex therapy can help your relationship

What is sex therapy?

A Tantric Journey Sex Therapy is far beneficial than generally perceived. The sex therapy has been able to heal more than 3000 women worldwide. The sex therapy testimonials by Tantric Journey’s clients are lathered with gratitude and immense relief from the taunting issues that haunted these women.  Tantric Journey has allowed many to turn around their lives into a more positive and happy note from a dark and hopeless place.

Women who have never been able to maintain steady or healthy relationships have been able to find life partners and lead happy lives. Couples who have been torn apart from emotional restraint and intimacy issues have been able to reconcile and maintain fruitful relationships. Sex therapy has been able to heal individuals of childhood physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Sex therapy has also allowed victims of domestic violence, toxic relationships and day to day harassments due to social condition untangle themselves away from the mesh of trauma.

Tantric Journey sex therapist performs a clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage; both employing techniques that harbor the theory of Cellular Memory. The sex therapist London can provide talking therapy to help ease mental constraints and enter a comfort zone to discuss the possible roots of the sexual problem. The Tantric Journey sex therapist is trained on techniques to revert the body’s cells from a negative state to a positive state. The trauma is stored at a cellular level where the slightest touch or tinge will evoke the undesirable feelings that can be very apparent or leave faint nostalgic reminiscence. This is possible as the body’s cells communicate by chemicals. The Tantric Journey sex therapy London evokes these subconscious feelings and has the client ejects it from their system once and for all.

A sex therapist in London can provide psychosexual therapy to help individuals and couples with sexual related problems through counselling, nursing or medicine. Often the sex therapist in London prescribes medicine to help with these issues as talking therapy is not fully capable of resolving the sexual related issues. Often the sex therapist prescribes medicine even for the mildest of sexual related problems such as erectile or climaxing issues.

Chemicals tend to alter the human hormonal functionality and therefore hinder natural functionality. Therefore Tantric Journey’s therapist in London provides a natural treatment on the basis of Cellular Memory where the human body learns to build its own defence mechanism against the sexual related problems. A Tantric Journey’s therapist can offer talking therapy to enter a comfort zone and diagnosis and perform clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage employing techniques that support Cellular Memory.


Enjoy life to the full with Tantric Journey

Why Emotional Detox?

Do you struggle with sexual intimacy problems or self-esteem issues? Read this article I found as help is on hand for those that have these problems. Unlock your full potential with Tantric Journey sex therapy London.

As we pass through the general stages of life our soul tends to collect a lot of debris and dust. It is vital one goes through an emotional detox to be apt and in par with one’s life purposes. In this materialistic new age we are often subjected to superficial materialistic expectations that we are displaced into great distances away from our being. Therefore emotional detox is necessary to wipe away these calluses that build up and block the soul vibrating at its best frequency.  Emotional detox sex therapy tunes the soul to its best frequency and has us vibrating at our optimum.

Like any machinery that requires upkeep and renewal our body requires the same. Detox can come in various forms. As we our own powerhouse architects of our lives it is essential we conduct emotional detox to revive our body. Very often than not we are caught up in the fishnet of life that we pursue our paths and goals but retract to square one.  Emotional detox can help this deflection that one experience.

My understanding of all the treatments conducted, years of study and research is that as human we are human to behave like sponges that can absorb moisture directly or indirectly. And for functionality the sponge has to excrete the excess moisture or the sole purpose of its very existence diminishes. Likewise our emotional detox is vitally essential to excrete the excess.

Emotional detox unfastens what anchors us to one stagnant and repetitive pattern of life. And through my work at Tantric Journey, I unfasten these knots through Deep Body Work for Emotional Release.

I vouch my treatment is vital and effective for the desired vibration and emotional detox, as there is sound confirmation by metaphysics, cellular memory and study of energy.  From one’s wonder /yonder / toddler years one is constantly subjected to various situations both good and bad directly or indirectly as one progress in life. Just like calluses built by hardened skin due to friction these indirect and direct situational factors reside in us. Hence emotional detox is essential to remove toxicity and festered parasitical elements from one’s body. The emotional detox one obtains at Tantric Journey through Deep Body Work for Emotional Release excavates the unpleasant  clogged residue and leaves room for more opportune and mobility.

The crown of it is that one is able to architect and craft one’s life as one desired as the path has been paved and the grime shovelled.

Emotional detox is the key to successful living. If you need any assistance from an experienced sex therapist click here sex therapist London and we can assist you.


Heal your mind, body and soul

Mal Weeraratne British pioneer and London’s longstanding practitioner in Human Sexuality

Mal Weeraratne is the Founder of Tantric Journey – School of Sexual Healing and Awakening in London.

Mal Weeraratne has treated almost over 3000 clients globally from various spheres and Mal Weeraratne has yet a growing clientele solely through word of mouth. Clients from different walks of life choose Mal Weeraratne’s Tantric massage therapy to elevate themselves from the haunting chains of deeply seated issues that bounds one to incessant self-deterioration.

Mal Weeraratne taps into the most fragile of issues to clear and cleanse emotional clutter. Mal Weeraratne takes his stance through confidence and in depth know-how knowledge.

Mal Weeraratne has almost two decades of experience and vast research knowledge in Human Sexuality that has made Mal Weeraratne the helm of Tantric knowledge for other practitioners. A frequently called upon personality in the Spiritual and Human Sexual study realm Mal Weeraratne has been able to provide astounding input and revolutionary healing to the unanswerable.


Lose weight now and look and feel fabulous

The low carb, high fat diet rules, banting

Tim Noakes eating plan was first prescribed in 1861 by a Harley Street surgeon Mr William Harvey with great success to a corpulent London undertaker, Mr William Banting, thus it is more appropriately named the Harvey/Banting diet.

In time the term to 'bant' was introduced into the English language. It referred to the use of this low carbohydrate diet for weight loss.

Indeed 'Banting' was the standard treatment for weight loss in all the major European and North American medical schools for nearly 100 years until it suddenly went out of fashion after 1959 when it was written out of all the major medical and nutritional textbooks, to be replaced with its polar opposite, the currently popular low fat, high carbohydrate, 'heart healthy' diet.

Dr Robert Atkins re-discovered “banting” in 1974 and his name is now incorrectly used as if he was the first to describe this eating plan.

10 golden rules of Banting

1. Remember: this is not a high protein diet. It's a high fat, medium protein, low carb way of eating

2. Choose real foods that look like what they are, and cook them from scratch

3. Fat is not the enemy. Enjoy it!

4. Eat only when you are hungry; eat until you are satisfied - then stop

5. Don't eat when you're not hungry. You won't die if you occasionally skip a meal you don't feel like eating.

6. Stop snacking. You won't need to - it's just a habit.

7. No sugar. It's an addiction, and it's probably best to go cold turkey. But if you need to make it a transition, substitute with Stevia, Zylitol or Erythritol - NOT artificial sweeteners.

8. No grains of any kind

9. No (or very, very little) fruit. Think of it as a sweet rather than a health snack.

10. Embrace eggs. They're healthy, satisfying and very good for you.

Read more interesting articles and advice by clicking here


Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey is hosting a Tantric Taster Event



Have you ever wanted to know about Tantra? Learn how to awaken your true self with a Tantra Taster Evening and find out about yoni massage Hammersmith and yoni massage Kensington

How close are you to wanting ecstasy? Find out how you can with this fabulous and exciting evening, if you are an individual, a couple or a practitioner don't miss this!

WHEN: Saturday 19th July

TIME: 6-9pm

Come along and meet Mal Weeraratne who is a Tao and Tantric Master who founded Tantric Journey and hear all about Tantric Training Courses and yoni massage west London.

Tantra and Tao are an ancient eastern science, which included sexuality and spirituality as a doorway to ecstasy, creation, healing, good health and enlightenment. Tantra was born in India around 5th Century AD.

Tao is the Chinese version of Tantra which dates back many 1,000’s of years based on similar principles.

Tantric Journey is an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:

  • Release both emotional and physical toxins from body
  • Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
  • Improve relationships
  • Heal your body, mind and spirit

Four keys of Tantric Journey

  • Deep bodywork to evoke emotions and to relax the body
  • Deep breathing to release evoked negative emotions
  • Sounds to disperse emotions through expression
  • Body movements to disperse stagnant negative emotions

Recent research has shown following benefits from the results of Tantric Journey practices:

  • Contribute to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enhance the production of endorphins, making people more relaxed, healthy, and happy reducing tension and stress
  • Improve circulation to sexual organs and regulate menstrual cycles in women
  • Increase fertility
  • Improve body detox process to prevent cancer
  • Improve body immune system and self-healing mechanism
  • Increase levels of Oxytocin hormones to bond with the partner

Click here to find out more about Yoni massage and Tantric Training Courses West London


Don’t suffer in silence speak to Mal Weeraratne today

Female Dysfunction:  The Silent Epidemic

Do you suffer in silence with female dysfunction?

Contrary to popular belief, the male population are not the only sufferers of sexual dysfunction. Majority of people are aware of erectile dysfunction, impotence and issues that relate to male sexuality, however, it is estimated that four out of ten British women suffer from sexual dysfunction and despite it being common it is still largely ignored.

Mainstream medicine still struggles to diagnose and effectively treat female sexual dysfunction. The symptoms can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, pain during intercourse, insufficient vaginal lubrication or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression and alienation.  According to The Sexual Advice Association, sexual problems affect around 50% of women, making it a common problem that remains largely unheard of.  It seems that most women think they are the only ones in the world to have these problems because all the magazine articles and media coverage are about amazing sex and fantastic orgasms, but there are thousands of women out there who are in the same situation.

Many women still fail to seek treatment due to embarrassment or fear that health professionals will misunderstand them. Talking about sexual dysfunction can become a great obstacle and it is usual for couples to avoid talking about it, choosing to ignore it rather than face the awkwardness of discussion for fear of abnormality.  Indeed it is only as a last resort when their relationships are at breaking point that they search for help.


Fortunately times appear to be changing and women desperate to improve their quality of life are beginning to take action and seek help.  Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey is a specialist in the field of female sexual dysfunction and works as a trained therapist, helping women overcome their difficulties through Sexual Healing & Relationship Therapy.

Through his Tantric Journey work Mal has helped to release many women from their negative emotional restraints and open a new gateway of self-actualization.  He has treated thousands of women from across the globe to overcome physical inhibitions such as sexual dysfunction, insomnia, inability to achieve orgasm, stresses, body aches and vagainism.  Aiding them to improve relationships or increase intimacy with their partners and even successfully find partners.  Whilst increasing self confidence in women by defeating their deteriorative subconscious ways and allowing them to enter realm of positive energy.


Read about the man behind the rumours

Mal Weeraratne is renowned for his well-known Tantric Journey therapy, Mal has a passion for assisting people to enhance their lives giving them freedom and liberating their lives.

Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.

Mal has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994, both in learning and treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life.

Read what some of Mal’s clients have to say about how this revolutionary therapy has changed their lives.

Hello Mal,

Its nearly a week since my session, the results are still developing beautifully. After a few days of feeling and looking a bit pale and low in energy, today I had a client for bodywork; the quality of my work seems positively affected, I had a really good time too! My family relationships are nicer, I am less edgy and more gentle, although firm. My energy is better…even my body odours are improved!

I’m experiencing my body more as I used to in the Sannyas Commune – as one flowing gorgeous organism, open, with immediate potential for pleasure and swift release of trauma.

Your brochure is a professional piece of work, and I have no hesitation in handing it around to the right people.

Gabrielle Naturopath - London

January 2013



Hello Mal,

I am back in my job here in the Bank Colombia. I have been here for 3 weeks and it has been difficult to adapt again, because I really enjoyed my 6 months there. Today, I have to tell you THANK U, because London hadn’t been same without you. You made better and more comfortable my stay in London.

I have missed you a lot and I have been remembering you all the time…


You were one of these angels for me…

I recognize that I love my family and I missed them a lot, that my city is beautiful, that we have the best weather in the world, that people here is very warm and we have everything we need to live well and loved…but now, I must accept that I don’t have any barriers, that there are many possibilities in the world and I can do whatever I want… For that reason I know that we can see us again and there are no limits to find us and to hug us again.



KTA - London

October 2011


Dear Mal,

I saw you on Friday evening. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge.

I came to you at my lowest ebb. Your treatment was like receiving/ experiencing a little bit of heaven. As the minutes moved on – the scales dropped off – I can vaguely see through the crack into the light. I have had an intermittent head-ache over the weekend but also feel more grounded, less stressed, and optimistic.

I notice that you do 30 minute sessions of chanting with sounds – Toning is what you mentioned I needed as part of my process. Please may I make an appointment for a Friday or Monday whenever you can fit me in.

I also mentioned that I am a massage/psycho and hypno-therapist. – and so as you can imagine – I am already thinking that i would like to move towards asking you to under-take to be my teacher and guide along the process – but all in the fullness of time, when you think i am ready. In the mean time i look forward to seeing you as much as i can afford. At the moment i don’t even have a job – or a divorce!

If any of your students ever need a body to work on please may I volunteer?

So all in all many doors will now open, I look forward to the process.

Thank you again for your time, expertise, patience, and kindness.

Hugs and love,

Janice - London

16th February 2009


Read abouyt the benefits of the Yoni massage

Many women have suffered sexual abuse in their childhood which they can’t even remember due to dissociation during a frozen state at the time of the abuse. These traumas are the ones that create the deepest blocks reducing the orgasmic capacity. Yoni massage helps to release these traumas and emotions to make you free. 

Initial Yoni Vaginal Massage will be the most traumatic due to the vulnerability, but the subsequent sessions get much easier as you being to peel off layers of negative emotions in the Yoni and beginning to feel deep pleasure and full body multi orgasms that you never experienced before. What most women experience is the clitoral orgasms which is very limited in terms of pleasure comparatively to G spot and A spot orgasms which runs through your body with limitless waves of orgasms that you would feel in your head transforming all negative energies in the pathway into positivity. Female ejaculations will be measured in cupful’s, soaking the towels feeling ecstasy beyond imagination. 

Pleasure aspects of the yoni massage is only a tiny part of the transformation. I have seen women blossom as a powerful, creative woman developing their career, with good health and happiness with improved relationships and being able to find their ideal partner and getting rid of most of the sexual dysfunctions and disorders and many illnesses they suffered for many years. Above all you will feel younger after each session due to rejuvenating every cell in your body. 

Benefits of the Yoni massage training

  1. Yoni massage helps break down the blockages and to release toxins to increase blood flow to sexual organs.
  2. Increased blood flow helps to release more hormones easily, to help stimulate both sexual and brain functioning
  3. Healthy hormonal balance help us with protection against many health related problems such as
    1. Memory loss
    2. Back pain
    3. Poor circulation
    4. Decreased libido
    5. Menopause
    6. Helps to release past trauma and emotions held in sexual organs, increasing the orgasmic potential
    7. Helps with other problems such as
      1. Impotence
      2. Difficult urination
      3. Painful menstruation
      4. Painful intercourse
      5. Lower back pain
      6. Body alignment and bad posture
      7. Strengthening pelvic flow muscles
      8. Vitality
      9. Helps with Female Ejaculation (Amrita), which helps women to release negative stagnant emotions

10. Ability to become sexually aroused more quickly and fully and to experience full body orgasms through sexual intercourse

11. To become independent of your own orgasms and empowerment. 

Click here to find out about Tantric massage London.


Tantric Journey Work

Mal Weeraratne is the Founder of Tantric Journey and has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994. He is a skilled and qualified holistic practitioner and over the past twenty years he has learnt the following massage modalities and other therapies from all over the world, being trained in:

Holistic Body Therapy; Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi Massage, Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Tantric Healing Massage, Pelvic-Heart Integration, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sacred Spot Massage and Yoni Healing, Kahuna, Emotional and Physical Release Massage, Spiritual Hot Rock Massage, Journey Therapy, Aspects of Counselling, Yoga Stretches, Breath work, Toning (with sounds), Chin Nei Tsang Massage (Abdominal massage), Karasi Nei Tsang (genital therapeutic massage)

His scope and level of training is truly admirable, but it is his dedication, patience and the deep level of understanding that Mal has that truly makes him and his work special.  Mal has spent years researching female sexual dysfunction and has a deep understanding of female ejaculation. His work has gained him international acclaim and he has treated thousands of women from across the globe.

When speaking about Tantric Journey he says, “it may challenge everything you ever believed in both culturally and religiously in the modern Western life”.  It is certainly a therapy unlike any other that is available in the UK at the moment it combines the ancient science of Tantra with deep breathing, sound therapy, body movement and talking therapy.

This treatment gives the client ultimate control of the pace and focus of the healing.  Tantric Journey teaches the body and mind to self-heal, self-develop and to master the skills of achieving a full body, extended Multi Orgasmic Response (MORE), instead of a localised genital release, putting the woman in charge of her own sexuality.

The deep bodywork that Mal carries out in a Tantric Journey healing session will help to dissolve negative thoughts, feelings, issues and blocks and will create sufficient energies that will spread throughout your body to heal every cell.


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