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Tantric Massage London

Tantric Journey Tantric Massage for Women

Yoni Massage


Tantra holds the key to connection – to create connection to your inner self which in return will allow you to create connection with others and your loved ones. Tantra’s goal is to heal past hurt and process of Tantra is to surpass hurt in order to attain happiness and bliss. Tantra is weaving the spiritual body, emotional body and the physical body in order to connect to the divine source energy to attain a state of bliss and happiness. Therefore, I work as a meditator assisting the weaving by removing stagnant negative emotions and energy blocks and physical blocks stored as toxins in the body.

Having worked with over 3000 women from all over the world spanning across U.S, Europe, U.K and Asia and having recognized the dire need of healing therapy to reconstruct people, I took the initiative set up Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening (http://www.tantricjourney.com/about-tantric-journey/) to help people heal and teach the art of healing to anyone who wanted to become a healer.

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening teaches the pioneer therapy called ‘Tantric Journey Bodywork’. Bodywork is an artisanship crafted with years of research, teachings and validations by masters of the art in order to apply the healing massage techniques that bring about Emotional Detox.

Tantric therapy London is abundant but many do not hold the essence of the Tantra teaching as they are only intended for pleasure, but whereas the essence of Tantric massages is to heal and connect to higher source energy to live at optimum. This is done by  acting as a mediator to our client to help the client to remove negative stagnant emotions in the cellular memory in the body’s cells that block the positive energy flow (positive emotions) that contribute to positive experiences.

Educator LogoTantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening Tantric massage course is intended to teach people to heal themselves as well as others. Being able to heal yourself is a tremendous gift and the ability to heal others is a blessing as happiness only multiplies when shared. The ability to liberate people from their traumatic pasts to start anew is a higher most purpose as many are still tied to their sexual abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse that they have endured that they cannot find a fresh page to start their lives.

Tantric massage for women honors women and womanhood. It teaches women self-respect and the most precious jewel for a women is self –respect that brings about self-discipline, self-confidence and self-esteem and teaches her to create her own safe circle allowing experiences that only nourish her.

The client is subjected to a well-planned procedure before the Tantric massage treatment. At a comfortable pace between the practitioner (me) and the client in environment that is safe to the client, the client goes through talking therapy, body movements such as yoga, breath work, sounds such as mantras and eventually the Tantric massage treatment at her own pace. Most importantly, I will meet the client where she is, accepting who she is with unconditional love and take her on the inner journey where ever she wants to go.

Tantric therapy London aims to help women in London to heal therefore contributing less to the cycle of depression, violence, crimes, unexpected pregnancies, welfare and women’s health.

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening Tantric massage course is for both males and females who need to be above the age of 18 years old, and no previous massage experience is required. The course allows you to reimburse your invest after treating 10 clients and upon completion the Tantric Journey website will host your name to gain publicity among the spiritual community.

Out of suffering comes the strongest souls. And as Matt Kahn says, ‘True healing is the willingness to treat yourselves and others better than the past ever did’.  And the key to healing completely is Tantric Journey Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork where all negative feelings and issues are removed from its origin in order to cultivate positive feelings to build a life of nourishing experiences.

Emotional Detox through a Tantric & Tao manner brings the client body to a positive state at a biological level through positive cells for sound physical, emotional and psychological health.


Learn the ancient art of healing mind, body and soul

Tantric Journey Tantric Workshop London  

Tantra is a growing ancient culture and art in the Western world due to the rise in human disconnection. The world’s technology has grown sophisticated that there are various modes of communication and point of contact but unfortunately very little human connection due to isolation by choice. People are no longer connected to themselves or their loved ones as much as they should be, busy schedules, increasing commitments, lack of money, broken homes, substance abuse, uncontrollable social dynamics, sexual abuse, physical abuse, propaganda and media intervention are some of the few reasons to hold account for this predicament.

Tantra holds the key to connection – to create connection to your inner self which in return will allow you to create connection with others and your loved ones. In a society that reminds people to be humane Tantra will help heal past hurt as the goal and process of Tantra is to surpass hurt in order to attain happiness and bliss.

Having worked with over 3000 women from all over the world spanning across U.S, Europe, U.K and Asia and having recognized the dire need of healing therapy to reconstruct people, I took the initiative to introduce Tantric massage training UK.  Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening, my brainchild, was opened to help people heal and teach the art of healing to anyone who wanted to become a healer. Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening teaches the pioneer therapy called ‘Tantric Journey Bodywork’. Bodywork is an artisanship crafted with years of research, teachings and validations by masters of the art in order to apply the healing massage techniques that bring about Emotional Detox.

Educator Logo

Tantric massage in London is abundant but many do not hold the essence of the Tantra teaching as they are only intended for pleasure, but whereas the essence of Tantric massages is to heal and connect to higher source energy to live at optimum. This is done by  acting as mediator to our client to help the client to remove negative stagnant emotions in the cellular memory in the body’s cells that block the positive energy flow (positive emotions) that contribute to our health, love, happiness and ecstasy.

Tantric Journey Bodywork can be set apart from many standard Tantra massages as every client I treat has always had near 100% success rate in healing. As I mentioned before, the Tantric Journey Bodywork is not purely intended for pleasure, the Tantric massage is performed to heal past trauma such as sexual abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse that is stored in the body’s cellular memory. Tantra is weaving the spiritual body, emotional body and the physical body in order to connect to the divine source energy to attain a state of bliss and happiness.

Therefore, I work as a meditator assisting the weaving by removing stagnant negative emotions and energy blocks and physical blocks stored as toxins in the body. The client is subjected to a well-planned procedure before the Tantric massage treatment. At a comfortable pace between the practitioner (me) and the client in environment that is safe to the client, the client goes through talking therapy, body movements such as yoga, breath work, sounds such as mantras and eventually the Tantric massage treatment at her own pace. Most importantly, I will meet the client where she is, accepting who she is with unconditional love and take her on the inner journey where ever she wants to go.

I have also treated couples in order to re –kindle love and resurrect their relationships by increasing trust and intimacy.

Apart from performing the Tantric massage in London and offering Tantra Teacher Training courses every month and weekend Tantric workshops London, now my teachings have been extended to Thailand. I am conducting an Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork at the Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort in Chiang Mai in Thailand with the Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chis onthe 03rd of July 2016, click here for further details (http://www.tantricjourney.com/products-classes/detox-tantric-tao-bodywork/)

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening conducts its Tantric workshops in London at the Tantric Journey Temple. The workshops are of three types namely, Tantra Taster Evening, Tantra Teacher Training Course and Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork.

Tantra Taster Evening is intended for the Tantra novice to be introduced to Tantra and its teachings. The workshop will showcase how Tantra can be integrated into your life and its beneficial aspects. The Tantra Teacher Training course is a certified Tantric massage training UK one of its kind, for anyone who want to learn the art of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork in order to start a career or add an extra skill to their portfolio. And last the weekend workshop is the Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork is intended for coupled and singles to learn and experience the art of Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork to release negative emotions such as hurt and trauma in order to cultivate and build loving relationships with themselves, their loved ones and others.

Therefore Tantra and the Tantric treatments and teachings by the Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening can revolutionize human connectivity.


Spiritual Treatment for Awakening, Sexual Healing and Relationship Therapy

You may have heard about Tantric Journey or Tantric Therapy and wondered what it’s all about. In a nutshell Tantric Journey is a Spiritual Treatment for Awakening, Sexual Healing and Relationship Therapy.

Tantric Journey Mission is to provide a treatment, training and skills using a philosophy blended with Eastern and Western knowledge, blended with ancient and modern wisdom which can meet the needs of the client’s ever changing waves of Emotions within their body, mind and spirit to help emotional, physical and spiritual growth.

Not only are Tantric Journey known for their healing therapy they are passionate about teaching people the skills through their Tantric Workshops London. 

They are holding many upcoming events where you can get a glimpse of what Tantric Therapy London is all about.





Some of these events are listed below:

Tantra Taster Evening – Friday, 05th Feb’16


Price: £20

Booking Deposit: £20.00

From: 05-02-2016 7pm

Spaces available: 14 spaces left

Talk to Introduce Tantric Journey:

This is an introductory Talk to Tantra. Learn How to Awaken your True Self, Expand Your Consciousness and Ecstatic Pleasure Using White, Pink and Red Tantra

Who can benefit:

Couples, Individuals and Practitioners who are Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced who are over 18 years

This workshop is designed to introduce you to the essence of Tantra, its spiritual practices and application for everyday life and relationships. This Talk is for couples, individuals and practitioners at all levels and will explore different aspects of Tantra: white, pink, red and black Tantra.

During the Talk you will find answers to the question of, ‘What is Tantra?’

Tantra is for everyone. Once you understand the different options that Tantra offers, you can start your journey from the most comfortable place for you and go as far as you like to go.

Tantra will help you to discover how to enjoy your own individual tantric spiritual practice, learning about the keys to freeing yourself from limitations and living in bliss on a daily basis.

This workshop is ideal for Men and Women who:

• Wishes to experience an understanding of Tantra beyond the “concept” that Tantra just about sex.

• Wishes to have a deeper and more meaningful connection with their inner self and the others

• Wishes to free themselves from the limitations of their mind and live life to their full potential

• Wishes to become intuitive and in tune with their body and mind

• Wishes to break down blockages, body armouring and barriers to allow for intimacy, love and sexuality with self, others & life.

• Wishes to release negative emotions as a result of the traumas of the past, the fear of the future and live life fully in the present.

• Wishes to bring a greater sense of enlightenment and aliveness to their existence

• Wishes to awaken to one’s full potential in life, love and relationships

• Wishes to live a stress free, positive, healthy life style and be independent and empowered


Emotional Detox Through Tantric – Tao Bodywork – February’16

Emotional detox


Price: £450.00

Booking Deposit: £225

From: 06-02-2016 to 07-02-2016

Spaces available: 14 spaces left

Learn the Art of Emotional Release through Tantric – Tao Bodywork

For men, women and couples

Here you will learn the skills to peel off (like peeling layers of an onion) the layers of negative emotions such as shame, fear, mistrust, sadness etc to open the body very quickly, clearing stagnant energy channels and help release emotions and how to move positive energies throughout the body.



Do you struggle in the area of intimacy or sexual dysfunction?

Image result for tantric journey imagesDo you struggle in the area of intimacy or sexual dysfunction? Perhaps you have many of the symptoms of blockages.

These are topics that are often a taboo or ignored as one might feel embarrassed and think you are abnormal or that it’s a secret that you can’t tell anyone.

Going on a tantric journey with Tantric massage London Image result for tantric journey imageswill address these issues you might have and enhance your relationships with your spouse or partner. You will become liberated and free your mind of these worries. Experience the freedom with the Tantric Journey and your life will never be the same again.

Learn the art of sexual healing and awakening by attending Tantric Workshops London  and feel liberated and free by engaging in yoni massage London or engaging in some Tantric treatment for men or women or couples. Often in a relationship there is a struggle in the sexual side of the relationship and with Tantric therapy you can once again learn to enjoy each other the way nature intended.

Tao is the Chinese version of Tantra which dates back many 1,000’s of years based on similar principles.

Recent research has shown following benefits from the results of Tantric Journey practices:

  • Contribute to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enhance the production of endorphins, making people more relaxed, healthy, and happy reducing tension and stress
  • Improve circulation to sexual organs and regulate menstrual cycles in women
  • Increase fertility
  • Improve body detox process to prevent cancer
  • Improve body immune system and self-healing mechanism
  • Increase levels of Oxytocin hormones to bond with the partner

Click here to find out more about yoni massage classes and Yoni massage training


Get rid of negative emotions through your body

Do you suffer from any form of sexual dysfunction or sexual intimacy issues? Are you embarrassed to discuss sexual dysfunction with anyone? Is this causing a problem in your relationship?

Perhaps it’s your partner who suffers from these issues and you are trying to find a solution to assist him/her.

These are topics that are often a taboo or ignored as one might feel embarrassed and think you are abnormal or that it’s a secret that you can’t tell anyone. Don’t feel alone with the help of Mal and his team at Tantric Journey help is at hand.

We often store blockages and sedimentation and through a yoni massage these are released and healing can begin.


Going on a tantric journey and experiencing the healing that takes place with a yoni massage London will address these issues you might have and enhance your relationships with your spouse or partner. You will become liberated and free your mind of these worries. During a yoni massage you will also experience female ejaculation called Amrita in Sanskrit which facilitate further release of negative emotions clearing the pelvic basin and making sexual organs open and positive creating space for positive sexual energy to grow. You will also experience body shaking, shivering and spasms called Kundalini Awakening to disperse stuck negative energies throughout the body making way to full body orgasmic waves which could last for 20 min – 60 minutes or longer.

Tantric Workshops London

Learn the art of sexual healing and awakening by attending Tantric Workshops London or engaging in some form of Tantric treatment such as a tantric massage London suitable for men or women or couples.

Often in a relationship there is a struggle in the sexual side of the relationship however with Tantric therapy you can once again learn to enjoy each other the way nature intended. Feel liberated and free by engaging in this ancient art of healing.



Join the Tantric Journey in London

Tantric Workshops London do not provide the essence of Tantric teachings just as at Tantric Journey. Tantric Journey offers the best Tantric lessons London where one can learn the art of Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Massage London is a growing pathway taken up many modern spiritual women and couple and more and more men are learning the art to satisfy their partner both emotionally and physically; also to help in healing. Tantric Workshops in London are not common and if found not very profoundly established. Tantric Journey has its advantages of having the sole proprietor being an origin from the Far East; directly exposed to the eastern culture and values that is engraved in his teachings. Tantric Massage in London is not an openly discussed topic but Tantric Journey hopes to re-invent thoughts on the purpose of a tantric Massage in London and why it is suitable and essential for the Western culture.

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The Tantric Journey Workshops are tailored for individuals and couples. Lessons are taught by the proprietor himself therefore guaranteeing first-hand experience stories and one to one knowledge. Lessons are for the individuals who would like to learn the techniques and become healers or experience Tantric Workshops in London or for couples who would love to implement such intimacy in their relationships. Yoni Massage in London is growing to be a well sought self-indulgence for emotional wellbeing remedy by the new independent women and also that intimacy yearned by the ones in relationships. Many Yoni Massage in London is commercialized due to intimate nature and the general perception of something that private being openly discussed and followed in the society. But the Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London concentrates on the essence and the true nature of the Yoni Massage in London making Tantric Journey the most authentic Tantric Workshops in London comparatively to the rest of the workshops offered.

Click here for more information on Tantric Therapy London.


Release your emotions with Tantric Journey


Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy in London is the most authentic tantric treatment available. Tantric Therapy London is often perceived to be as a fad or more of a spa-like indulgence; whereas the Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy London is a biological remedy that is spiritually based on the ancient art of Tantra and Taoism. The core essence of the treatment is the Yoni Massage London offered by Tantric Journey. Based on the theory of cellular memory and the ongoing study of molecules of emotions the Tantric Therapy London offered as a Yoni Massage London by Tantric Journey is aimed at resolving biological trauma. Trauma is stored at a cellular level in the form of molecule of emotions and can cause psychological and biological ailments that can reflect the external environment of the individual that can have a traumatic nature.

Yoni Massage London at Tantric Journey is a treatment that has been carefully crafted after in-depth study and over two decades of practice that does not have any ambiguous intentions often perceived when anything Tantra related is portrayed. The massage techniques are intended to release negative emotions from the body and make space for positive emotions to reside. Tantric Journey that is the Yoni Massage in London is a sensitive subject as many women are not easily comfortable or fluid with the idea of exposing themselves at such an intimate level in order to obtain a Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Journey ensures through consult and consent a woman is able to subject herself to the treatment as it is crafted with care on a stage basis and client approval at each stage, providing privacy and safety at all given times during the treatment.

Tantric Workshops London do not provide the essence of Tantric teachings just as at Tantric Journey. Tantric Journey offers the best Tantric Workshops London where one can learn the art of Yoni Massage in London. The Yoni Massage London is a growing pathway taken up many modern spiritual women and couple and more and more men are learning the art to satisfy their partner both emotionally and physically; also to help in healing. Tantric Workshops London are not common and if found not very profoundly established. Tantric Journey has its advantages of having the sole proprietor being an origin from the Far East; directly exposed to the eastern culture and values that is engraved in his teachings. Yoni Massage London is not an openly discussed topic but Tantric Journey hopes to re-invent thoughts on the purpose of a Yoni Massage London and why it is suitable and essential for the Western culture.

The Tantric Journey Tantric Workshops London are tailored for individuals and couples. Lessons are taught by the proprietor himself therefore guaranteeing first-hand experience stories and one to one knowledge. Lessons are for the individuals who would like to learn the techniques and become healers or experience Tantric Workshops London or for couples who would love to implement such intimacy in their relationships.

Yoni Massage London is growing to be a well sought self-indulgence for emotional well-being remedy by the new independent women and also that intimacy yearned by the ones in relationships. Many Yoni Massage London is commercialized due to intimate nature and the general perception of something that private being openly discussed and followed in the society. But the Tantric Journey concentrates on the essence and the true nature of the Yoni Massage London making Tantric Journey the most authentic Tantric Workshops London comparatively to the rest of the workshops offered.


Diarise Tantric Training With Mal – Starting on 19th Sep’ 2015

Tantric Journey offers professional Tantric Teachers Training Courses in London. Start a New Career or add new skills to your existing career to attract more repeat clients by offering the true “Art of Healing” though Tantra.

  • No explicit sexual activity or nudity takes place in class. Optional home practice is assigned with a partner
  • You can recover your investment when you treat 10 clients
  • You will learn to heal yourself and heal other
  • You will learn a to perform a life changing treatment for the client
  • Spaces are limited to 14 per each month
  • Put down £190 deposit to reserve your space


Price: £1900 - From: 19-09-2015 to 20-09-2015

From: 19-09-2015 to 20-09-2015

Tantric Lessons London

10 day teacher training course for small groups and 1-2-1, starts on above two days. Rest of the days to be arranged.

Course fee: GBP 1,900. Recover your investment after treating 10 clients. Start a new career or add new tools to your existing career. Heal yourself and learn to heal others through Emotional Detox through Tantric – Tao bodywork with Mal

Learn the art of healing from Mal who has treated over 3000 clients from all over the world. 


Training consist of following stages:

  1. Understanding the Theory and Philosophy behind Tantric Journey
  2. Learning to accept new knowledge by Receiving a series of treatments and experiencing the process to unblock and open up
  3. Learning to implement new skills by performing a series of treatments and learning to overcoming challenges on models
  4. Learning to retain new knowledge and skills by Working on clients together with another therapist to build confidence
  5. Learn how to set up the practice to be financially successful, marketing, health & safety and hygiene, working within the law, client care and self-care, products to use, how to deal with trauma transference and client consultation


We are all born with the ability to heal ourselves and heal others, just like birds know how to build their nest. What’s stopping us is our own limitations as a result of past trauma, upbringing, religious and cultural belief systems. One of the key benefits of 1-2-1 training is the opportunity to unblock and open yourself to release your own negative emotions embedded in cellular memory and to learn to relax and surrender. Each stage will be tailored to individual pace and need as we are all different.

Once the negativity leaves us, we are awaken, ready and open to heal and open others.

You can start from wherever you are and go on the Tantric Journey exploring tantric massage therapy as far as you feel comfortable.

Training consist of a combination of small groups and 1-2-1 training and sessions. Training is split so you attend 2 days initially and follow it up with two further 4 days training. You will gain knowledge, skills and practice under supervision to be one of the greatest Dakinis. You will also receive personal help and support to get started and become successful and be independent. Successful participants will be certified and listed in Tantric Journey Website

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening

Learn Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening treatment techniques to help release body armoring in sexual organs.

It is a short course that can help you start a new rewarding career as:

  • Female Tantra Educator – Dakini

Who can learn The Professional Tantric Massage?

This course Tantric Massage For Women who wish to learn a Professional Tantric Massage. Previous massage experience is not compulsory.

What will I learn?

“The Way of Daka and Dakini”

  • The Course Details.

Theory – Lear to Give and Receive – Work with models under supervision – Case Studies -Assessments

Emotional Detox Through Tantric – Tao Bodywork – Live Demonstration by Mal 

  1. Theory behind Emotions, trauma and body armouring
  2. How to de-armour by releasing emotions with Bodywork, breath, sounds and body movement
  3. Theory behind opening 7 Chakras and Activating Endocrine system
  4. Anatomy of Male and Female sexual organs
  5. Yoni (Female Prostate) massage & Male Prostate massage
  6. Function of Female Ejaculations and its benefits
  7. Male Ejaculatory control and its benefits
  8. Multi orgasmic response (MORE)
  9. Introduction into:
  • How to set up a Tantra Temple
  • Marketing
  • Working within the Law
  • Health and safety and hygiene
  • Client consultation
  • Trauma Transference
  • Empathy
  • Client care
  • Self-care

Introductory workshop to Tantra Massage Therapy

Tantric Teachers Training Courses 

Teacher Training With Mal – Starting on 19th Sep’ 2015

Price: £1900 - From: 19-09-2015 to 20-09-2015
From: 19-09-2015 to 20-09-2015
Spaces available: 14 spaces left

Tantra Teacher Training Course

10 day teacher training course for small groups and 1-2-1, starts on above two days.Rest of the days to be arranged.

Course fee: GBP 1,900. Recover your investment after treating 10 clients. Start a new career or add new tools to your existing career. Heal yourself and learn to heal others through Emotional Detox through Tantric – Tao bodywork with Mal

Tantric Journey offers professional tantric teachers training courses in London. Start a New Career or add new skills to your existing career to attract more repeat clients by offering the true “Art of Healing” though Tantra.

  • No explicit sexual activity or nudity takes place in class. Optional home practice is assigned with a partner
  • You can recover your investment when you treat 10 clients
  • You will learn to heal yourself and heal other
  • You will learn a to perform a life changing treatment for the client
  • Spaces are limited to 14 per each month
  • Put down £190 deposit to reserve your space

Or if you want to find out more about Tantric Journey book an evening with Mal, Tantric Journey founder on Friday 3rd July 2015 Time: 7pm – 10pm. The cost is £20.

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This is an introductory workshop to Tantra Massage Therapy. Learn How to Awaken your True Self, Expand Your Consciousness and Ecstatic Pleasure Using White and Red Tantra.

Who can benefit:

Couples, Individuals and Practitioners who are Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced who are over 18 years.

This workshop is designed to introduce you to the essence of Tantric Lessons London, its spiritual practices and application for everyday life and relationships. This workshop is for couples, individuals and practitioners at all levels and will explore different aspects of Tantra: white, pink, red and black Tantra.

During the class you will find answers to the question of, ‘what is Tantra?’

Tantra is for everyone. Once you understand the different options that Tantra offers, you can start your journey from the most comfortable place for you and go as far as you like to go.

Tantra will help you to discover how to enjoy your own individual tantric spiritual practice, learning about the keys to freeing yourself from limitations and living in bliss on a daily basis.

Find out more about going on a Tantric Journey by clicking here: Tantric Massage for Women.


Do you want to enhance your sexual relationship?

What is Tantric Journey?

Tantra and Tao are an ancient eastern science, which included sexuality and spirituality as a doorway to ecstasy, creation, healing, good health and enlightenment. Tantra was born in India around 5th Century AD.

Tao is the Chinese version of Tantra which dates back many 1,000’s of years based on similar principles

Tantric Journey is an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:

  • Release both emotional and physical toxins from body
  • Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
  • Improve relationships
  • Heal your body, mind and spirit

What is sex therapy?

Sex Therapy is a vast subject where issues can be prevalent to an individual or to a couple. Some individuals might require sex therapy in order to be able to find partners as their issues have stopped them before.  Resorting to therapy is not an easy walk down the supermarket aisle, it takes a lot of courage to seek sex therapy London and help as sexual problems can be emotionally painful. Sometimes its required as the individual is embarrassed and reluctant to share their issues with their partners which hinder the progress of the relationship. The most advisable would be sex therapy for a couple as a whole where trust and intimacy can be built.

Through the help of a sex therapist the couple creates intimacy, love, trust and excitement within a relationship leading to fidelity, happy marriages and two way relationships. Also therapy creates confidence and self-esteem for individuals. Tantric Journey offers sex therapy in London via clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage which can be viewed as an alternative medicine that employs the fundamental basis of Cellular Memory and Molecules of Emotions that is a current age well researched and studied subject. Tantric Journey’s sex therapist London has helped many sexual troubled individuals resolve their problems and many couples sustain happy fulfilling intimate relationships.  Tantric Journey’s sex therapy in London eliminates the problem by eliminating the biological makeup of the issue which proves to be the most effective method.